Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Going Online- Why Accountants And Cpas Should Have Websites

The Tax Software Revolution

The most common service that accountants and CPAs provide to the public at large is tax preparation. That tradition has had a large hole blown in it by the arrival of software packages that allow individuals to prepare their own tax returns with an on-screen guide walking them through the process. The states and the federal government have cooperated by making online filing available and, furthermore, an attractive option because it will get you your tax refund quicker than a traditional paper filing.

Millions of Americans have opted for this method, and for many of them it's a good choice. Large numbers of them did not use accounting services in the first place, as they had simple tax returns. However there is also a large class of people who are utilizing the yearly software option when perhaps they would do better with professional service. A good accountant can find tax breaks or prepare itemized lists that help your tax situation where you may not see the opportunity or may not be willing to dedicate the time to itemizing.

Why Professionals are Better than Software

The individuals that are caught between the "simple return" pool and the group of people who have to use professional help every year because of complicated personal financial situations are the group that accountants and CPAs need to recapture. The best way to convince someone that paying for professional services will save them money in the long run is to spell it out for them, and the best tool for that is the internet.

Large firms like H&R Block have expanded beyond the tax return business into financial planning. Many accounting firms or even CPAs working on their own are in a position to provide at least some financial counseling that extends beyond annual tax returns. An internet site is a compelling tool for explaining the goals and advantages of long term financial planning. It's a method of explaining the multiple advantages of working with an accounting professional rather than a $40 software package.

Full Service Business Explained on a Full Service Website

An accountant's website can speak also to the value of a one-to-one relationship as opposed to the services of a large firm such as H&R Block. Creative packaging is a tool used by many small accounting firms. Use their tax preparation services and receive an outline for an initial five year financial plan, gratis. It's a method of leveraging the tax return process in order to introduce other potential services.

An internet site can also offer valuable advice to the increasing number of people who are working at home or on a contract basis for large employers. Many who take this professional path do not understand the different requirements for federal tax payments that are involved. A friendly - and partial - explanation on a CPA's professional website will serve as an invitation to call and arrange a visit.

The usual collections of FAQs and recommendations, suggested links and biographical information can serve to introduce an accountant and develop a sense of professionalism before the customer and the service provider have their first conversation. An internet site is a better advertising tool and introductory method than direct mail, a yellow pages ad, even radio or TV... better than anything but a personal recommendation.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She helps clients understand how a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, & VPS hosting to a wide range of customers.Annabel Blog78679
Annabelle Blog17826

Student Loans A Simple Guide

There are various resources to find money for a college education. Student scholarships, student loans, and grants are available to get a college education. After going through the merits and demerits, the best option may be chosen.

Student loans are different from a student scholarship since they have to be repaid. Student loan schemes are available in two different types. One is a subsidized loan and another is an unsubsidized loan. The interest for the subsidized loan is taken care of by the Federal Government in USA and in other countries the finance ministry provides some sort of assistance, whereas the unsubsidized loans carry a normal percentage of interest. Eligibility for a subsidized loan can be found out by filling in the relevant details online

The students and the parents can become tense at the time of planning how the expenses of a college education will be met.

To finance a college education, a programme called FFELP (Federal family education loan programme) provides the most flexible and affordable student loan options. Using the loan finder web service a student can find all the required information for applying for a federal loan online. Find more info at

Additional finances not covered by the federal programme such as education related expenses, overseas study, and housing can be procured through a private student educational loan. When compared to credit cards, these programmes carry a marginally lower interest rate and have very easy payback terms.

Many of the student loan agencies - both government and private - have online submission and processing facilities hence the loans are accepted after a review within a week or sooner. The repayment of the Federal student loan can start six months after the graduation of the applicant.

Student loans can be used not only to pay the fees but also for lab fees, dues for associations and housing. A student can still avail an educational loan even though the tuition is covered by a grant.

A student who is eighteen years or above in age, can apply for a student loan. Most of the student loan is deferred for repayment until the student completes the education or leaves the school.

Private loans for students are not given without a co-signer or a credit report. Credit unions give student loans if a vehicle or a boat is provided as collateral.

During the cumulative credit period, a student has the option of paying or not paying the interest part of the loan. It will become easier if periodical payment is made to cover the interest. If this is done, the capital repayment after completing the studies becomes easier for a student.

Student loans are to be repaid in ten years. Nevertheless, longer repayment facilities are provided to large student educational loans.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles at For more info visit or Diana Blog51850
Anestassia Blog12568

Home Security - Preventive Measures Against Burglaries

Theft of valuables from home due to carelessness is very common. Never take home security for granted. If you make an effort to be secure, you will be protecting your family and your valuables much better.

Tips To Prevent Burglaries

Securing doors and windows is extremely important. Many burglaries occur as vandals had easy access to the garage door where they worked unnoticed to gain entry into the house. Never leave your house, even for just a few minutes, without locking all doors and windows. Use dead bolts to improve home security. A pet entrance is not advisable. Have wide angled viewer installed in the main door to check who is at the door.

Do not leave an extra pair of keys hidden outside your house; instead, leave them with a neighbor or friend.

Make sure all doors and windows, which are not within your view, are locked when you are at home.

Fuse boxes and power sources have to be secured, to make it impossible for criminals to tamper with them.

Have a good burglar alarm installed.

Make sure you periodically check all home security systems and have them serviced regularly.

Keep your garden trimmed ensuring an unobstructed view of your house from the road or your neighbors.

If you have to deal with windows accessible from the fire escape be sure to check that the windows are hardy, tamper proof, and secure.

Never leave a message in your answering machine, indicating you are away.

Do not have predictable habits change your routine often.

Get your self a sturdy safe to lock up all valuables and important documents.

Keep your home insurance up to date.

Change all locks if you just moved into the house.

Get a good private home security monitoring system to enhance home security.

Do not leave ladders and other tools lying that can be used by vandals to gain entry into your home.

Join a neighborhood watch program.

Trim and maintain your garden, trees should not be used by criminals to gain entry into the upper floors of your home. Be sure that the branches are cut securing your home.

In the event you lose a key, change the tumblers of all locks.

It will be a great deterrent if you had a guard dog.

Make sure your house number is lit and clearly visible to facilitate people who need to get to your home in hurry find your home easily.

Secure skylights and roof taking precaution to prevent unauthorized entry through them.

If the above-mentioned basic home security measures are carefully followed, securing your home and sleeping peacefully will not be an issue any longer.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Home Security and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Home Security web site. For more articles and resources on Home Security related topics, Home Security Equipment and Systems visit his site at:Anya Blog36857
Aleece Blog1278

Purchasing Property, No Childs Play

Buying immovable property in India is no easy task with difficulties due to a combination of factors . A meticulous planning at the investment stage itself could indeed avoid hassles later. Before investing your hard earned money in any immovable property, do scrutinize the title deeds through the eminent lawyer and select the promoters having good track record to safeguard your property investment India.

Besides the legal aspects which is core to purchase of any property in India, one cannot ignore the aspirations and dreams which we all want to fulfill when acquiring an abode for oneself. Your home represents what you are and what you want to be. Think clearly and decide kind of lifestyle you and your family would be comfortable with. Villas, apartments, executive floor all entail a particular lifestyle.

While on a property purchase do your research on the real estate market. You should ensure the investment has been right and in time to come would allow a good return if you think of disposing it. Location is the most important aspect in selecting property. Proximity to school and market cannot be ignored, and of course a good neighborhood. Do proper checking on the developer; do not take their word or brochure for granted. Caution is the word when dealing with brokers. It is advisable to avoid brokers as far as practicable. In case you are duped by the developer or the broker a complaint may be lodged under the Consumer Protection act.1986, which is a Central Act. Representation can also be made to the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC) for issuing instructions for indulging in unfair trade practices.

If you need financial assistance from Banks in India,look at your resources. Plan your EMI.s and study the offers coming your way when availing loans. The fine print needs extra attention. Buying home in India was never easy with the banking sectors along.

If you are foreign resident of Indian Origin and want to own a house in India, out of your earnings abroad discuss the conditions governing purchase and sale of immovable property by Non-Resident Indians and persons of Indian origin. Reserve Bank of India grants permission to foreign citizens of Indian origin to invest in local funds in real estate on submission of necessary applications provided such investments are for bonafide use of residence.

Buying immovable property in India is no easy task with difficulties due to a combination of factors . A meticulous planning at the investment stage itself could indeed avoid hassles later. Before investing your hard earned money in any immovable property, do scrutinize the title deeds through the eminent lawyer and select the promoters having good track record to safeguard your property investment India.

Besides the legal aspects which is core to purchase of any property in India, one cannot ignore the aspirations and dreams which we all want to fulfill when acquiring an abode for oneself. Your home represents what you are and what you want to be. Think clearly and decide kind of lifestyle you and your family would be comfortable with. Villas, apartments, executive floor all entail a particular lifestyle.

While on a property purchase do your research on the real estate market. You should ensure the investment has been right and in time to come would allow a good return if you think of disposing it. Location is the most important aspect in selecting property. Proximity to school and market cannot be ignored, and of course a good neighborhood. Do proper checking on the developer; do not take their word or brochure for granted. Caution is the word when dealing with brokers. It is advisable to avoid brokers as far as practicable. In case you are duped by the developer or the broker a complaint may be lodged under the Consumer Protection act.1986, which is a Central Act. Representation can also be made to the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission (MRTPC) for issuing instructions for indulging in unfair trade practices.

If you need financial assistance from Banks in India,look at your resources. Plan your EMI.s and study the offers coming your way when availing loans. The fine print needs extra attention. Buying home in India was never easy with the banking sectors along.

If you are foreign resident of Indian Origin and want to own a house in India, out of your earnings abroad discuss the conditions governing purchase and sale of immovable property by Non-Resident Indians and persons of Indian origin. Reserve Bank of India grants permission to foreign citizens of Indian origin to invest in local funds in real estate on submission of necessary applications provided such investments are for bonafide use of residence.

By Suraj Kumar Singh is an associated editor to the website IndianGround is dedicated to explain all your related queries for buying residential properties with the latest news updates on commercial properties in India. Your feedback will be highly appreciated at "".Brandi Blog44555
Caitlin Blog48276

Home Safety for Toddlers and Small Children

Home Safety for Toddlers and Small Children

If you have toddlers in your home, then safety is obviously a big concern. They are big enough and mobile enough to go just about anywhere but they little to no understanding of how dangerous some things might be. So, you know that you need to toddler-proof your home but how do you go about it?

A great place to start is by placing baby gates at the top and bottom of the stair case to prevent injuries. Be sure that you purchase a gate that is sturdy and can be easily fastened to the wall, railing or some other solid surface on or near the stairs. Even with a baby gate, never leave a toddler unattended near the stairs.

Next on the list to put child safety latches on all cupboard and cabinet doors the child could possibly reach. Remember, toddlers can climb! Pa extra attention the cabinets under the kitchen or bathroom sink or anyplace you store medicine, cleaning supplies, garden chemicals or poisons. In the garage or storage shed, store all weed killers and chemicals in a locked cabinet and place the key in a location where your child cannot find it.

When it comes to toddler safety, prevention is the best method. Store your childs books and toys at their level so they do not have to climb to get to their favorite game or stuffed animal. If your child has a lamp, fan or other electrical appliance in his/her room, tuck cords safely behind furniture so the child cannot pull anything down on himself.

Avoid choking hazards by keeping young children away from small objects, pieces of toys, and small pieces of board games. Read manufacturer instructions for all toys and follow their guidelines. Buy only those toys and games that are appropriate for a child of a particular age. Place plastic safety plugs in electrical outlets so the child cannot stick his fingers in the outlet.

One aspect of home safety that is often overlooked is mildew and mold. Mildew and mold can cause serious illness and injury in adults and toddlers alike. Mold or mildew can be the cause of allergies and asthma in small children. Install a dehumidifier in any damp areas to mitigate the moisture in the air.

Mia Thompson

Mia Thompson operates the website,, which provides books on a wide variety of family-related topics.Ardeen Blog24592
Arlena Blog23163

Student Loan Debt Consolidation - How To Reduce The Burden Of Student Loan Debt

Its not enough as a student earning good grades, graduating, and landing a job with a good salary. What makes it more difficult is the rising costs of education, in tuition fees, books and the cost of living during the years being in school. There is no question that the trends of college and university prices have rose steadily over that last decade. During the 2004-2005 academic year about $129 billion in financial aid was distributed to undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, these students borrowed almost $14 Billion dollars from non-federal sources to help finance their education according to the report Trends in Student Aid (2005) from the College Board association. With an adjustment to inflation the total financial aid given to undergraduate and graduate students has increased by almost 100% from 1994 to 2005.

Why have students been borrowing much more today?

There has been a widening gap between the cost of university and college tuition and aid in the form of grants causing students to borrow more. Many students look at taking students loans as a good investment because it allows them to complete their education with better odds of a getting a better job and life. Because Students are borrowing more and often taking out multiple student loans today, however, it could lead to financial burdens. This would delay things like buying a new home, car, getting married, and raising a family.

How can student loan consolidation help?

Also known as a federal consolidation loan, repays some or all of the outstanding eligible federal student loans and replaces the multiple payments that are made with one single payment. The payment terms can even be extended to make the payments more affordable. The interest rates are fixed rate for the entire term and is calculated as the weighted average interest rates of your consolidated loans rounded up to 1/8% not exceeding 8.25%.

Which student loans can be consolidated?

1. Federal and Federal Direct Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized)
2. Federal and Federal Direct PLUS SLS (Supplementary Loans for Students)
3. Federal Perkins
4. Federal Nursing Student Loans (NSL)
5. Federal Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL)
6. Federal Health Professional Student Loans (HPSL)
7. Health Professions Student Loans (HPSL) Loans for Disadvantaged Students (LDS)
8. Federal Insured Students Loans (FISL)

If a person has bad credit, can they still consolidate their student loans?

Under the federal student loan consolidation program, no credit checks are necessary, however, if any loans are in default, three consecutive payments must be made prior to consolidating the loans.

What lenders consolidate student loans?

The Internet is an excellent resource to compare student loan consolidation lenders rates and offers. It is just a matter to take some time and compare different incentives between lenders.

Lenders may offer added incentives to consolidate student loans. For example, depending on the balance of the current student loans, some lenders may offer a credit or an interest rate reduction if payments were made consecutively on time. Or, if a married couple has individual student loans and want to combine and consolidate their loans.

It should not be a strike against anyone requiring student loans to get through university or college nor having a delayed hardship when a person graduates and gets back into the work force.

Brad Jacobsen writes about student loan debt consolidation and you can read more articles, tips and helpful information including Free no obligation quotes at: Brandi Blog85035
Alisa Blog30344

How To Compare Residential VOIP Offerings

Many people are turning to VOIP phone for several different reasons, the biggest reason being cost. The landline telephone has been in existence for one hundred years; however, many people are finding that VOIP offers a great deal more, for a great deal less. There is one requirement though, you must have a broadband connection, otherwise known as a highspeed Internet connection. While there are some minor differences between the traditional telephone and a VOIP phone, many people simply enjoy the money saving features.

What cost savings you say? With a VOIP phone (using your highspeed Internet connection to make and receive phone calls), you can make unlimited local and usually also unlimited long distance calls in the continental US for one price, where that one price is frequently less than the cost of just getting a DIAL TONE from your local phone company. Is it starting to make more sense now?

With VOIP, you receive comparable reliability and quality of traditional telephone service without all the added fees we tend to experience from our phone company. Have you ever opened your bill and noticed the big jump in cost? Here is a personal example, this writer has experienced with a local telephone company. I simply have a phone, yes some of the perks as well, such as call waiting, call waiting plus, caller ID, and caller ID plus. When I ordered the service, of course it was all conveniently placed in a package that was to cost me $35 a month. Imagine my surprise when I open my phone bill and it was $89 for the month, that is just the phone, does not include the cost of internet, which put the bill over $100.

Now you are probably thinking well long distance calls will do that. Yes, it would, except I purposely do not have long distance on my telephone, so that was not the case in this scenario. I had a ton of hidden charges for this, that, and everything else. Now with a VOIP phone, it hooks up directly to your internet connection, and most VOIP providers offer several different packages that are designed to fit both your needs and your budget. For example, one company offers unlimited long distance calling, local calling, plus all the perks such as E-911 service, voicemail, caller ID, call waiting, Call forwarding, 3-way calling, and such others, for only $24.99. That is your bill, one flat rate each month. Tell me, which you would rather pay, $89 a month or $24.99 for just about the same service. The choice is clear.

When considering a VOIP phone it is important that you do some comparison shopping. The internet is full of fabulous deals from VOIP providers and it is important that you take a look at the various companies and find the one that fits your needs, as well as your budget. Another thing about VOIP is that you can choose from several different packages with each provider. Some may include a VOIP phone line with long distance, without long distance, or for multiple phone lines, perfect for kids phone or a home office.

There are some disadvantages to VOIP service. For example, your fax machine may not work reliably over the VOIP. Furthermore, if you have satellite internet within your home, you may find that the VOIP fails to work in a reliable manner as well. It is very important that you do your homework, finding out exactly what options you have, and what works best for your specific needs.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer and long-term world traveler who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about VOIP and a comparison of popular VOIP offerings at his web site at Bria Blog75630
Andi Blog67978

Tips for Starting Your Own Jewelry Business

Staring your own business can be an intimidating challenge. However, this task can be made achievable by setting up realistic goals, and following a few easy steps. If you have a passion of fashion and are an outgoing person, you can establish your own silver jewelry business. Being in the jewelry business myself, I can tell you what you will need in order to start one on your own.

For the last seven years, I have been a wholesale silver jewelry supplier. I have helped close to a thousand people start small businesses of their own by providing them with excellent quality silver jewelry at honest wholesale prices along with free advice and consultancy. My first piece of advice to people who are new into the world of business is to set attainable goals and objectives, and make a business plan. As hard as it may seem, in reality there are few barriers to entry to starting your own business with low cost service providers, marketing, communication and availability of wholesale jewelry suppliers. Given below is a list of things you can do in order to start or enhance a successful jewelry business.

i. Make a plan: It is very important to have a good plan. A formal business plan is not necessary unless you want to get a loan or an investor. Instead, the plan you make should be meticulous, especially on the financial side.
ii. Think about whether the jewelry you want to sell is right for your intended market. Diamond jewelry is probably not the right product for a flea market!
iii. You can host a home-based jewelry party yourself or have a friend host it and give her some free stuff as compensation. Ask your friend to invite her friends and relatives for the party. These people come to buy and you have no competition.
iv. Buy off EBay - many people buy things at good prices and then just re-sell them.
v. Search the web for other silver jewelry wholesalers.
vi. Put jewelry out at your own or your friends garage sales. It really works!
vii. Visit these sites frequently: : Online payments and merchant account : Domain registration and turn-key hosting solutions : Low-cost jewelry supplies and displays (ring boxes, findings, etc.) : Low-cost shipping supplies : Jewelry supplies and displays : Supplier of wholesale silver jewelry : Wholesale Silver Jewelry Supplier List of craft shows throughout the country Great source of low cost products - Wholesale Jewelry : EBay Pro-store - turn key ecommerce solution : Google Adwords Program

The above-mentioned points are helpful hints that will assist you in either starting a jewelry business or making your already existing jewelry business successful. I could have used this information when I started out. I enjoy helping people get started in their own businesses. Even though my business has grown substantially since I started out, I still feel truly grateful to every one of my customers who enable me to succeed and allow me to pursue the lifestyle I chose.

Aaron Rome is a successful author and regular contributor to Blog57062
Aleece Blog52762

London Hotels: London Luxury Hotels Online

Looking for A luxury Hotel in London? Here a three of London's Luxury Hotels: The K West Hotel, The Athenaeum Hotel, and The Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel


The K West hotel in London is a very chic well designed luxury hotel. The K stands for a Kerry Hotel. It is very contemporary with clean lines and full service. It is located outside the congestion zone of London but minutes from the West End. Notting Hill and High Street Kensington are just minutes away and if you take the Central Tube you are 10 minutes from Bond Street.

It's excellent and stylish restaurant has a brand new menu crafted by Chef Sam Sweeney. It has beautifully been redecorated with leather seating in rich reds and blues, with dark wood, stainless steel and glass. It is pricey but delicious.

The K Spa is absolutely luxurious. It is a perfect cosmopolitan retreat allowing you to spend some peaceful calming time while being pampered. They use E'SPA products and have a dedicated and skilled staff. Their many treatments will enhance your lifestyle in an holistic and enjoyable way. They even have Spa lunches.

Another fine hotel and spa is the Athenaeum, a family owned and run luxury Hotel group in the United Kingdom. Their staff is friendly and committed to first class service. Their other properties are the Grove, Runnymede Hotels and Spa on the Thames and Greengarden House which are serviced apartments just off Oxford Street. The suites and rooms combine English elegance with modern technology. There are rooms that have gorgeous views of Green Park towards Queen Elizabeth's Buckingham Palace, giving you a sense tranquility in bustling downtown London.

The food served in the dining room is definitely English style and world renowned. They have dining throughout the day using local products whenever possible. Valet parking is available for all diners.

The spa at the Athenaeum, which is exclusive to their guests, is a place to relax after the hustle of central London. They have a full roster of services or just rejuvenate in the Jacuzzi.

They have stylish business meeting rooms melded with 21st century technology. These beautiful rooms can be transfixed to elegant private dining for weddings or any special occasion.

The third luxury hotel is the four star Chesterfield Mayfair discreetly tucked off Berkeley Square. The atmosphere is calm, quiet and very efficient. The Mayfair offers contemporary convenience in a great location. It is one of eleven outstanding luxury hotels sprinkled around the world run under the Red Carnation Flag. Their staff is utterly committed to attentive service and to make your stay very enjoyable. All of the Red Carnation hotels were thrilled to receive the Greater London Training Award for outstanding achievements in training and personal development.

They have a Library, the Butlers Restaurant, an airy Conservatory and an intimate bar. The food is excellent and the staff superb. They are in an excellent location that is just minutes from Bond Street, the perfect location to experience London. They do not have a spa so this may be a deterrent if you are looking for that kind of facility.

Any one of these three hotels will be a pleasing experience for those that enjoy quality and excellent service.

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Travel. Visit her websites at: and You can read more of her articles at http://www.ArticleBazaar.netAnabelle Blog2425
Brynna Blog14533

What Television Shoppers Need to Know

With all the changes in technology and program content, buying a tv set is not as simple as it once was. While it is easy to be tempted to buy the one that looks prettiest in the advertisement or on the showroom floor, it's not always the best fit for your circumstances. The following will help you make a better informed decision, and using you can make detailed comparisons between set sizes, different technology, brands and vendors.

TVMeasure where you will be watching.

It's important that the set you buy will fit in the space where you want to put it, and that it's visible from where you want to sit. Therefore, it makes good sense to measure the space where the set will go. You need to measure the width, the height and the depth of the space, so that you can choose a set that will sit comfortably in that space, with sufficient ventilation and edge space for installation and cleaning. You should also measure the distance to your cable socket if you have an external aerial, and be sure to allow sufficient space for rear panel audio and video cable connections so that they can be easily connected and disconnected.

Getting the right sized screen is a balance between the dimensions of the room and your viewing habits, and your choice of technology. A regular tv has a screen aspect ration of 4:3, (that is, the dimensions are four units wide by three units high) and its size is given as a diagonal measure across the screen. The most comfortable viewing range for a regular tv is to be a distance away from the screen that is three to six times its given size. For example, a 48cm regular tv is best viewed further away than 116 cm and closer than 232 cm.

Watching high-resolution DVD and digital TV on a wide screen set however, provides much sharper images than regular sets, and this means you can sit closer and experience a more immersive, theatre-like picture. With a wide-screen tv, you can sit as close as 1.5 times the screen's diagonal measurement and not notice any loss in quality. Sitting farther away than three times the screen however, means you're likely to miss out on the immersive 'theatre' feel, even though image-wise, the sharper pictures will be clearer from a greater distance. Conversely, what this means, is that for the same given room space, you can install a significantly larger tv if it's wide screen. So in today's market, you are faced with one major deciding factor:

Regular TV or Wide Screen

While the regular tv dimensions are 4:3 (see above), a wide-screen set has an aspect ratio of 16:9 (16 units wide, 9 units high) and this is the same shape as many cinema screens and movies. Wide-screen sets are more expensive per square cm of screen than a regular tv, and more regular TV is watched than DVDs and movies, so 4:3 sets continue to be a popular choice. However standards a re changing rapidly and almost all digital, flat-panel and rear-projection tvs are wide screen. While television stations frequently broadcast many movies in digital/wide screen format, a large amount of station-produced content is in regular format, but this too is changing. So it makes some sense to seriously consider wide screen.

Either way, there is some compromise to consider because one rectangle doesn't fit exactly into another. Wide-screen program shown on a standard tv has black bars, known as letterbox bars, above and below the wide-screen image. The alternative to this is to sacrifice some of the picture at each edge of the screen, and get the full depth of the picture. When you watch a program formatted for regular tv on a wide screen, black bars, known as windowbox bars, appear on either side of the picture. One alternative to this is to lose some picture at the top and bottom of the screen.

But one of the features of a wide-screen tv, is the ability to stretch, crop, or zoom the regular 4:3 image so that it fills the screen, ultimately distorting the image or losing some of its content.

Picture Quality, Audio Quality, Connectivity

Using an online shopping comparison such as doesn't give you the personal feel of looking at the tv set on the showroom floor. However, once you've narrowed down your choices according to size and manufacturer specification, it may pay to look at some sets so you can judge picture quality for yourself.

So what makes a good picture? One of the first considerations is contrast: in order to have clear sharp and bright pictures, the screen itself must be dark. Screens that are two 'green' or 'grey' will not produce high definition images. Do this with any surrounding televisions turned off and an even light in the room.

A second consideration is the flatness of the picture tube. If you are looking at an LCD or Plasma screen, this is already flat, but with picture tube technology, flatter tubes result in less glare from windows and lamps, and less shape distortion. A flat tube screen will give you a better viewing experience.

If a tv doesn't have a comb filter, its resolution will be limited to about half the full potential of a DVD. While comb filters affect only composite-video or RF connections, sets with a comb filter can usually provide all of the resolution of DVD and will not have distracting 'rainbow' images where highly contrasting colours coincide. Comb filters include glass, digital, and 3DY, and different types provide different levels of quality, but ultimately, it's better to have one than not.

Digital and High Definition TV means that the ability for a tv to display a progressive scan image is also factor that affects picture quality. A progressive scan image is a feature of digital tv broadcasting and DVD imaging with a more film-like look to it than normal video.

For optimum television watching, you need to consider the quality of the sound too. It is now quite common for people to integrate tv and hi-fi equipment into a more complete home entertainment system, giving a more dynamic home theatre experience. Digital and High Definition tv and DVD, sound quality is similar to that of CDs, so it makes sense that audio connectivity allows you to connect into surround sound or other hi quality sound systems. It's worthwhile to check to see that the tv has a least one set of stereo audio inputs and one set of stereo audio outputs, as well as video input and output connectors. On the input side, check for RCA-composite, S-Video, and component video inputs. You can frequently find an additional set of audio and video inputs and/or outputs on the front or at the side of the tv, a very convenient location for more temporary connections, such as game consoles, web tv or video camera equipment. It can be terribly inconvenient if you are limited to only connections at the rear of the set, or only one set of inputs and outputs, which can often mean unplugging and reconnecting permanently installed equipment.

If you are intending to use a set-top digital receiver, make sure the tv has the correct connections, and that they are compatible with the receiver equipment. Using you can search through a great number of brands for the correct specifications. Ideally such connections should be made with Fire Wire, DVI-D with HDCP or HDMI connectors.

Plasma or LCD

While there are still quality CRT televisions (tube style) being manufactured, the current television technology being pursued by manufacturers is Plasma High Definition or LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The main advantages these two technologies offer includes the smaller space taken up (mostly in depth) for a bigger picture, less heat (and therefore less electricity consumed) generated for a bigger picture and the appearance of compactness through digital technology. But what are the differences?

In the Plasma tv over a million tiny glass cells are charged with a mixture of neon and xenon, behind which are coloured phosphors that emit light when energized. Each cell has a red, blue and green phosphor. When Plasma cells are charged, they emit invisible UV light. that strikes the red, green and blue phosphors on the back of the display, creating the pixels that form the image you see on the screen. LCD however, is a suspended liquid between two transparent panels that, when activated by voltage, re-position themselves so that they either allow the light to pass through the panel and or block the light, a similar process to turning on and off millions of light bulbs. The light source is provided by fluorescent tubes behind the panels. Both the lit and unlit crystals create visible pixels composing the image on the screen.

Many independent reviewers believe that manufacture's specifications of Plasma tv is not accurately portrayed. LCD appears to be both brighter and offer more contrast, whereas Plasma appears to have higher definition colour, superior viewing angles and faster response time providing crisper screen movement. Plasma uses more power than LCD, but may provide a more theatre-like viewing experience. Use to compare the latest brands of Plasma and LCD televisions.

Remote Controllers and Accessories

All tv sets come with remote controls. Some come with what's known as the Universal remote control, a remote control that can control all of your media hardware. The remote control should be easy to use and it should address all of the tv set's functions. Many sets do not have function controls on the tv itself, which could cause problems if the remote controller is lost. Also, not every universal remote can control everything. Most are pre-programmed with a set list of codes, and if the codes don't match your older or off-brand gear, then you're out of luck. A few are learning models that can accept the IR codes from your other remotes and, thus, control any kind of gear.

A number of other features can be taken into account when considering your tv purchase. These might include picture-in-picture (PIP), or picture-outside-picture (POP), commercial skip timers, channel blocking (called the V-Chip), and tuner extras to make channel selection and switching easier. Additional accessories that you might need include additional cables, a good power surge protector and a stand. Service may also be a consideration and in some circumstances, an extended warranty or service package may be a good investment.

Search for the different specifications and price ranges of the latest tv technology, where you not only compare the world's leading brands, but also the service and support of the people who sell them.

Andrew Gates is a writer for Australian comparison shopping site - , helps you compare television (TV) - and buy online from top-rated online stores. You can also read television (TV) reviews - and specifications.Catlee Blog30211
Aile Blog77796

An Introduction To Commercial Property

Commercial property is real estate market is planned to use by for-profit businesses, like workplace complexes, shopping malls, service stations and for other restaurants. Commercial property might be purchased completely by a developer for prospect plans or leased by real estate broker. Commercial property falls anywhere between residential home and investment property.

Basically every included city uses a zoning method to control the use of property within its authority. In order to get permission building a new bureau complex or other profitable business, the city management needs to decide on that chosen area is certainly commercial property. The areas which divide industrial, residential and commercial property are obviously marked on the city maps. If the future business is evidently in an area zoned for commercial use, then the city would probably permit the sale to proceed for the stated use. If any part of the commercial property expands into a residential or work zone, however, then the buyer has look for a 'variance', special authorization to cross over a zone boundary.

Commercial property could be detained by real estate agents who treat it alike as residential property. One can also get commercial property through property auctions. Signs publicity the openness and size of the commercial property could be upright, and arrangements could as well be made to purchase or lease smaller lots. Sellers of commercial property might further also agree to make improvements to the land, like grading off rough spots or clearing out surplus trees. A professional developer might purchase enormous swatches of commercial property just to guarantee its accessibility for later projects.

A city often uses zoning laws to put off conflicts among residential homeowners and businesses. Land chosen as commercial property is hardly ever located in the middle of residential zones. City planners hearten commercial businesses to assemble along busier streets and middle downtown areas. This assists to remain traffic to these sites manageable. Some areas of the city might as well be chosen for 'mixed usage', that means some commercial property might be used for any other residential purposes. A quaint downtown shopping area with apartments will be an example of mixed usage.

Ron Victor is a Expert Author for He written many articles like property auctions,UK Auction Guides,UK Property Auctioneers and Online auctions. For more information visit our site. Contact me at ron.seocopywriter@gmail.comCallie Blog20836
Anita Blog88604

Family Ski Vacation

Whether your family lifestyle is a little extreme, or more serene, a family ski vacation is a great way to have fun and bond with your kids. Family ski vacations can be as wild or as subdued as you like, and with options available for all budgets, it's easy to plan a winter getaway for your clan.

Once you've all agreed that a family ski vacation is the way to go, you can start planning the details. Skiing isn't as expensive as you might think, and there are many great resorts that cater to families with money-saving packages available. The biggest problem your family will have is choosing a location.

Most ski resorts have websites, so begin your planning process online. Assess the various resort sites and compare the accommodations to decide which resort will be most suited to your family's needs. Don't choose a resort based on one or two attributes, but consider many different points. If someone in your family will need ski instruction, look for resorts that offer skiing lessons by qualified instructors. Don't make the mistake of choosing a resort where one or more of your family members won't be able to join in the fun because they're not good skiers. Many resorts offer on-site instruction but some don't, so take the time to research and choose carefully.

To make the best choice for your ski vacation, compare the available lifts, slopes and trails. The destination you choose should offer something to please every member of your family. If the resort only caters to beginners, more advanced skiers will quickly become bored. If you have a snowboarder in your group, and there are no snowboarding parks or terrain, that snowboarder will not be happy. Some resorts cover all of the winter sports bases, so shop around for a place that will cover all of your family's interests.

Lodging is another very important consideration. Remember, you're going to be on vacation, so you want to feel comfortable day and night. You'll often find a hotel right at the base of the slopes, but it may not necessarily be the best or most affordable place to stay. Search out all available lodging options in your destination area, and choose the one the fits your budget and suits your family. If the accommodations you choose are located away from the slopes, make sure that you arrange to have easy access to transportation each day.

Even if everyone in your family is an avid skier, you'll likely want to explore other activities while on your family ski vacation. Find out if the resorts on your list offer other activities. Sleigh rides, dog sledding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing horseback riding and even tobogganing can all offer a fun twist to liven up your week at the slopes. Not all resorts offer additional activities, so be sure to ask before you book. Check into winter activities at the resort, as well events taking place in and around the town you'll be staying.

A family ski vacation is a great way for kids and parents to get active and have fun. Compare resorts, be sure you find the accommodations and amenities you need, and create a family ski vacation you'll all remember for a very long time.

Donald Taylor contributes to several web sites, most recently and Blog69586
Annaliese Blog97520

Straight From The Runway: All You Need To Know Beauty Trends Guide

When it comes to beauty trends, every woman wants to ace them. Even if its not to the same degree as a super model or someone that has an entire fortune to splurge, but to some extent beauty trends are important to every woman, regardless of her background, preference or budget.

The way our society relates information to us in regard to up and coming beauty trends or trends that are now outdated, it should make us wonder why we all dont look the same! Truth be told, there are so many different kinds of beauty trends out there, its impossible to keep up with them all, let alone sport them all. There isnt a woman on earth who has the financial resources or the time for this impossible mission

Magazines continuously offer front cover glances at what kind of beauty trends are currently in style, making it easy for everyone to pick up on. A quick look through the shelf tells you big, Hollywood-style glasses are in and lace is out again. Magazines also offer articles within them that explain different kinds of trends and how to transform oneself from one trendy look to the next.

The fact that these beauty trends are usually first spotted on television or in newspapers and magazines first should give you enough clues that it probably isnt your nameless neighbor who created the latest trend. If you are wondering who really does come up with them you certainly dont have to look too far to find the answer. Yes, it is the top companies in the industry trying to market their products that make the current beauty trends flourish or flop. They practice demand manipulation all the time. Cosmetic companies realize that women want to refresh their look from time-to-time so they introduce new product lines each season and make it seem as if you will die without their new toys. Dont forget to include the clothing industry in this thought, because they come up with many beauty trends as well.

One thing about beauty trends is that some of them never go away. Theyre called classic, timeless styles. Lets face it, we all know that society thinks of thin women as beautiful, and if you are not thin you are certainly not part of that trend which never seems to end. Of course, beauty trends like these have been known to be superficial and it all has to do with personal taste and preference. It is the beauty trends like what color make-up to wear during certain times of the year that continually change and grow. Beauty trends such as not wearing pink one year but it being all the rage the next year is what keeps the beauty industry alive and kicking.

So the next time you read how pink lipstick is the color to wear this summer, remember that there are still many other colors that will look good on you. Dont stomp out of the house and rush to the nearest store only to buy the pink that you always know to be unsuitable for you. Trust your instincts, stay true to your own sense of style and youll never again have to wonder what they next big beauty trend will be.

Glen B. Porter provides readers with up-to-date commentaries,, and reviews for, music, movies and other related information.Beitris Blog24566
Anallise Blog98955

How To Make A New Web Site And Make Money At The Same Time

Being in web development for the last 7 years, I have often been asked about making a web site for a friend or family member just as a personal site or for a simple business site.

Generally, to have your own web site hosted by a reputable hosting company, you have to prepay for one year and if you want to add or increase features the costs add up. This could include added storage space for files, amount of traffic allowed per month and other options.

But, did you know that there is an opportunity to have your own affordable web site developed and on the internet in 24 hours?

Yes! There is a company that offers a complete hosting package including a software program known as a web site builder that even a beginner can start designing professional looking web pages.

Everything you need to create web pages can be accomplished through the web site builder and you can have up to 10 personalized email addresses that you can access through the Internet web mail. Or you can setup your email using a software program called Outlook Express. It also has a picture gallery that you can upload pictures onto your site. Setting up a site is never easier, especially for a family if they wanted to create online photo albums for relatives, or for special events like weddings, anniversaries, vacations, birthdays, etc. The most attractive part of this hosting and web site package, is that it is only $10 US per month and you are not locked into an annual contract or have any initial setup fees. You can cancel the service at any time.

The only difference is the domain name extension.

Have you ever heard of the dot WS domain?

For example, instead of

If you haven't, that's OK!

Let me give you a brief history on the dot WS domain.

The dot WS domain was originally intended as a country domain for a little island about 1,600 miles north of New Zealand called 'Western Samoa', hence the named extension dot 'WS'. In 1998, companies and people worldwide were buying up the dot COM domains at an incredible rate making it much more difficult to find a desirable domain name with the over-crowded dot COMs. At the time, two gentlemen named, Michael Reed and Alan Ezair saw that there was definitely a need for a secondary top-level domain. Examining all the other country domain extensions, for example, dot US for 'United States', dot AU for 'Australia', the dot WS domain was the focus domain for 'Web Site'. Since then, the dot WS domain has grown in popularity and increased demand. In less than nine months, after offering the dot WS domain to the global community, they had 100,000 registered domain names! This is where Global Domains International (as known as GDI) was born and handles all registrations for the dotWS domains.

Ok, then how do I make money?

An incredible opportunity is available for having a dot WS domain. You not only have a registered dot WS domain, your own web site, and up to 10 email addresses for only $10 a month but If you bring others to register their own dot WS domains, you will make money from their referrals and it can goes on and on. For example, if the people that you had referred bring in more people and register, you will make even more money. Registering is a simple process because even if a dot WS domain name is already taken such as with many dot COM domains, there is a list of similar dot WS domains you can choose from.

Brad Jacobsen is a Web Developer and Internet Marketer. Anabal Blog57538
Brenda Blog81405

How to Make Money Online Basic Principle by Azard Hosein

You would think in todays world making money online would be the simplest thing in the world, right? I mean you take something youre interested in, or a product you have to market, you create a website, buy some place to put the website and bang your making money, right?


Ok, i hear you say, but hang on the search engines will pick it up and traffic will come wont it? Well actually yes they will pick it up (if you submit it) but just because you are now on the web doesnt mean you are the next or The fact is you need to be pro-active and drag people to your site by advertising in the right manner.

So why do you need traffic? & How do you get traffic to your site?

Well the fact is, and this is a secret you need to remember because everyday I am shocked as to how many people dont know this... The fact is there is a buyer for every product out there.

Thats right!

It doesnt matter what you sell or what service you provide, one of the billion plus people who use the internet every day is going to be interested. The trick is in finding enough of those one billion people who are interested to (a) get you to breakeven point & (b) make a sustainable profit that provides a good income from.

So how do you find people who are interested in your product?

You dont. (What!) i hear you say... but what happens is they find you. Ill say that again so you understand They find you!

Thats right you need to create an internet marketing network so that whenever someone types in for example internet marketing into a search engine, like Google, your results come up. Ill tell you now that you just wont do that by submitting one website to search engines the network you must create needs to be very wide and specific to your area of product or service.

The methods of forming this network are the subject of a different article but the point is so important that i have dedicated an entire article about it. I see far too many people falling down and giving up, not because they had a bad idea but because they didnt know how to bring traffic to their site.

Internet marketing is the essence of making money online. If anyone is reading this and is think about selling anything on the web my best advice is to learn how to market on the internet before anything else.

When you learn how to market on the internet you can take any product or service and make money online from it. The sea will get a lot smaller and you will be the fisherman with the largest net.

See you in the winners circle.

Azard Hosein is a successful Pilot, Author and Internet Marketer. Founder of the successful website which shows people how to market properly on the internet. Azard now turns his attention to helping and mentoring people in setting up businesses online and making consistent incomes from online income streams.Anna Blog23479
Alejandra Blog85920

Long Island Schools Improve in the 2005-2006 School Year

Long Island Schools Meet State and Federal Standards

Long Island Schools had over 30 schools not meet the New York State Standards for the 2004-2005 school but this year the number of schools rose dramatically. Schools that succeeded this year that had not last year include East Hampton, Ronkonkoma, Mineola, and Valley Stream. The Long Island Schools ratings were based on New Yorks expectations of a schools test scores and graduation rates. These standards were met in part because of many Long Island Schools have greatly improved their education methods and instructional opportunities for those students with learning disabilities. Several Long Island Schools did not attain the required state scores from their special education students last year. During the 2005-2006 school year more teachers and paraprofessionals were hired throughout all Long Island Schools which allowed students with disabilities to be in inclusion programs and have smaller class size. A lot of these changes have been inspired by the No Child Left Behind Act that required Long Island Schools to raise the mathematics and language arts scores of all students with emphasis placed on specific student groups including whites, blacks, Hispanics, the poor and the disabled. The students in these groups should achieve higher percentages of success every year with the goal being 100% proficiency by 2014. Currently around 83% of all New York schools meet the academic requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Among the Long Island Schools that did not meet standards last year that did succeed this school year include: Comsewogue High School, Center Moriches High School, Ronkonkoma Junior High School (Connetquot), Walter G. O'Connell Copiague High School, East Hampton High School, Eastport-South Manor High School, Harborfields High School, Hauppauge High School, G.W. Hewlett High School (Hewlett- Woodmere), Hicksville High School, Huntington High School, Island Trees High School, RJO Intermediate School (Kings Park), Lindenhurst Middle School, Long Beach Middle School, Newfield High School (Middle Country), Mineola Middle School, Oceanside High School, Saxton Middle School (Patchogue-Medford), South Side Middle School (Rockville Centre), Joseph A. Edgar, Intermediate (Rocky Point), Roslyn High School, Sachem High School North, Pierson High School, Floral Park High School (Sewanhaka), New Hyde Park High School (Sewanhaka), Sewanhaka High School, Walt Whitman High School (South Huntington), Southold High School, Ward Melville High School (Three Village), Valley Stream Central High School, and Westbury High School.

Seniors in Long Island Schools Win New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship awards a $4,000 scholarship to one senior at every New York high school paid in $1,000 increments each year for university study. This year Long Island high schools in Suffolk School District and Nassau School District had one senior from each high school receive a New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship. To be eligible for the New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship students must meet the following requirements:

Scholarships can only be used toward the cost of attendance at a New York State accredited college, university, community college or trade school

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Analise Blog32318
Bobbi Blog92763

Where To Find Best Arcade Games

Arcade games, historically, emerged as early as the late 1920's where you could find theme parks which combined mechanical form of gaming machines and a great fun atmosphere. This was the beginning of modern gaming. The first video game machines appeared in the and were mainly coin-operated. To play the game, you sloted in your coin or token and when that run out the game ended. You then had to purchase further tokens if so desired. Now, most video game machines use solid state electronics to operate. Scores and bonuses are all electronically controlled.

Atari, which started in 1972, was now dominating the market with popular arcade games such as Pong (electronic version Ping Pong), Pacman, Space Invaders, Battlezone, Donkey Kong and the Galaxian. Video arcade games started appearing everywhere including shopping centers, public houses such as bars, supermarkets, college dormitories, bowling alleys and dedicated amusement parks. However, with video arcade games located in seedy places like casinos and gambling houses, their reputation waned. The sales of arcade games further took a hit with the advent of home video game consoles in the early nineties. People rather preferred to buy or rent out the exact games they used to play in these amusement parks and enjoy it from the comfort of their own homes.

With this decline in fortunes, dedicated arcade games businesses started to suffer and many had to close down or diversify. Diversification involved offering other attractions such as rides with arcade games being only a small part of the business and at least offering arcade lovers to still indulge in their passion. Most of these centers are so different, they are no longer what they used to be.

Playing arcade games is now even easier. With most dedicated venues closed due to advances in the gaming console technology and the internet, you do not need to uproot yourself and find a physical venue. If you are into gaming consoles, all you need is to buy or rent your game and enjoy it in the comfort of your own home. On the other hand, if you wish to play free arcade games with a bit of social interaction, you can choose from many internet gaming platforms where you can play as well as chat or interact with other game lovers in the forums.

In spite of the many milestones arcade games have come, the basic essence of the "arcade" is still present in most modern games. Most arcade games offer the game lover different levels of play, starting with the easiest. Once that level has been mastered or maximum points have been scored, you are allowed to move to the next level. Each higher level is progressively more difficult. You stay in the game if you stay "alive" or your "virtual" tokens get finished. Obviously, physical tokens are not needed for online arcade games but the general theme is always present. Newer games such as Street Fighter I and King Fighters offer a two player game mode which futher enhances the gamers experience.

Arcade games have survived, mainly because they are so addictive and they offer a good recreation time for kid, teens and adults alike and they are likely to be with us for a long time to come.

By Jake JenkinsArdyth Blog303
Arlyn Blog5615


Recently, while re-reading Zig Ziglar's Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World I was reminded that our public school kids hear eight negative comments for every affirmation they receive. That's sad, because receiving positive feedback helps us all perform better.

This may be one reason that performance and testing results are often better for home-educated kids than kids in public schools. Home schooled children receive affirmations throughout the day!

If youve visited public schools, youve most likely discovered that classrooms are chaotic. Teachers raise their voices and verbally discipline students often far more than they educate or instruct. Since more and more students have been diagnosed with ADHD, it must be horribly difficult for them to filter the chaos. That has to result in their behaviors being less than desired, and the cycle continues. As they cannot concentrate, they act out, and more chaos results. And that just makes the teachers raise their voices more as well.

Zig Ziglar also states that there are two times during the day when we humans are more receptive to positive comments about ourselves - the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.

Think about this. Most families - no matter whether the children are in the public school system, in private schools, or home schooled find that their early mornings are utter chaos. Breakfast, if there is one, is often snatched and eaten as adults and children run out the door.

Imagine what a difference it might make in our own lives and in the lives of our children if we woke just a few minutes earlier each day so we could spend time in medication before the day really began. We would certainly start out on a more peaceful journey if we did that.

And what if we worked to make our childrens day more peaceful from the very beginning by being more organized?

What if we made a point of offering affirmations for each family member as the day began? That might help them survive the chaos of the rest of the day.

Having busy kids doesnt make them happier or smarter. In fact, its probably putting more stress on them than they need. How many kids really need to be in every sport during every season? How many need to take four kinds of dancing lessons? Perhaps some of those activities could be cut from their schedules in favor or more family time.

Family meals used to be an excellent way for families to stay in touch and to have family discussions. It was also a great way for kids to learn to respect the wisdom of parents. With all were finding out about how unhealthy fast food is, home cooked meals would probably be better for our families anyway. What if we tried to have at least three or four evenings with family meals and family discussions?

Children used to be tucked into bed with a story book, perhaps a song or two, and prayer. Shouldnt our children be afforded at least some of that? Remember, affirmations given at the beginning and end of each day are more palatable and more believable.

Marilyn Mackenzie has been writing about home, family, faith and nature for over 40 years. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com which is a site for Creative Writers. Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/kenzie.Bobbie Blog79833
Adrea Blog59043

Find Out What The Alternatives To Filing Bankruptcy Are

Filing for bankruptcy is the very last resort for people overburdened by debts and unable to clear them. The decision to file bankruptcy is a grave one and it is recommended not to make such a decision in haste. Many people choose this option without finding out the available alternatives to bankruptcy.

Some of the alternatives to bankruptcy are:

1. Settle your debts: If there is the smallest possibility that the debt you owe is manageable and will not be absolutely detrimental to your finances, it is advisable to make a full settlement or meet your creditors and discuss alternate payment arrangements.

Another way to meet your debts is to borrow money to pay it off. But, even though this may even seem like a viable option at the time, it would be best to consider this option last, because if you are finding it difficult to pay off debts now, a new loan will only add to your problems.

2. Debt consolidation: A debt consolidation loan might be a good solution. How good it is, will depend on your situation. More often than not, debt consolidation loans are made using your home as collateral by placing a second mortgage on your house.

Again, there is a considerable amount of risk involved here. You must consider whether you will be able to pay your bills in a timely manner and be able to subsist on a monthly basis. If, and only if, this is possible, should you opt for a debt consolidation loan. It is also pertinent that you do your homework and choose a good loan consolidation company that provides loans at manageable interest rates.

3. Ignore your creditors: Although this is an option and a deferral tactic, it isn't the smartest decision to make. It does not matter how big or small your debt is, the creditor will not stop till he gets his money.

Often, in business, people ignore debts until they pile up to the point that it is very difficult for them to pay them off. If you ignore your creditors long enough, you may even end up with a lien on your home. So, it is best to try and solve the problem to begin with instead of ignoring it, which will only make matters worse.

4. Credit counseling: This is a much safer and a less mentally taxing option. Credit-counseling agencies can contact you creditors on a direct basis and can make new payment arrangements to suit your situation. They may also be able to get your interest rate lowered or have your interest payments ceased completely.

Credit counseling is often the best solution for avoiding bankruptcy, as many families have found out. It will also give you the chance to sort out your finances in peace as your creditors will stop hounding you for payments. Always do your research before selecting a credit-counseling agency. It is recommended by experts to go with a non-profit credit-counseling agency rather than a for profit credit-counseling agency.

Finally, if none of the above mentioned options are viable for you and you have used up all your resources, you may choose to file for bankruptcy as the only way out.

Jon Arnold is an author and computer engineer who maintains various web sites to provide tips and information on a variety of topics. More info on this topic can be found at his Bankruptcy site at Blog68187
Barbey Blog51531

Gazebos: A Peaceful Selection

Gazebos can be a vital solution for those who love nature and want to see its beauty in the open. Most people would like to sit outside of their home to enjoy nature. A gazebo will also make being outdoors more comfortable. It is just like adding another room to your house, and its structure offers a 360 outlook to the surroundings.

Gazebos come in different sizes, styles and shapes, but most people like the wooden, open-sided, octagonal gazebo, with double roof and cupola. You just need to spend a little time and money, and you can be the proud owner of a beautiful gazebo. The choice will depend on your budget, and on your family's requirements.

Usually gazebos come in the dimensions of six to twenty-two feet in diameter, with fully open and enclosed sides. These gazebos can also be used as a guesthouse. The style can be very simple, but also rugged with all necessary things such as trellis walls, Victorian moldings and other architectural flourishes.

The most important thing is to choose the place where your gazebo will be situated. It is a good idea to take advice from an architect, because there are several questions which are attached to the placement of a gazebo. These are things such as regulations, permits, construction and other configuration details. You will also need to call your municipal authority to find out about all the rules and regulations related to its construction.

The placement of your gazebo also depends on the size of your property, and the layout. Nearby a garden edge or pond can be a great place to situate your gazebo. Remember while making your plan, you should have enough space according to the style and materials which you have chosen.

In order to make an exclusive gazebo, you can go for a low-maintenance model, furniture, spa elements and privacy screens. You can be choosy in selecting attractive materials for your gazebo, because it is just like adding another room to your home.

A garden gazebo can be a more effective solution to arranging a room in your garden. The shade of a gazebo will be comfortable for you. A stylish gazebo situated outside in your garden will develop a unique beauty, along with flowers, a pond, trees, benches and hedges. The architecture of a gazebo will attach a geometric feel to your garden as well.

To create a garden gazebo, you can go with metal, wooden or vinyl. Wooden gazebos are the most preferred. On the other hand, metal gazebos can also be a great selection. These generally come in steel, aluminum and iron. To give an attractive, dark and long lasting effect, you can go for a steel or iron gazebo. A vinyl gazebo, just like wood and metal gazebos, can be found in different styles and shapes.

It can be concluded that a gazebo can enhance the beauty of your garden, as well as your home. It not only gives a unique look to the area where your gazebo is situated, but also provides an extra room for your home, which you can use as a guest house. A garden gazebo offers an area for relaxation, meditation, gatherings and other activities. In the present era, where noise and air pollution are present all around, a gazebo can be a peaceful place to do meditation, and to rest and enjoy the beauty and various colors of the seasons.

Stefan Rockhaus is a contributing author for - Visit for further information.Becky Blog79667
Bertha Blog39159

Christmas Shopping Tips and Advice

It's that time of year again when everyone hits the high street to do their Christmas shopping. There are a few Christmas shopping strategies.

 Start in June This saves you panicking in a number of ways You don't get into debt because you are spreading the cost of Christmas over 7 months. You get to buy presents at bargain prices and take advantage of all the summer sales. There are not Christmas queues and the weather is dry fine and warm, making your Christmas shopping a more enjoyable experience.

 Leave it until Christmas Eve! The shops are desperate by this time and slash they prices incredibly. It is a bit of mad dash but all the Christmas stress is confined to a single 24 hours.

 Buy online. Quick and convenient, no queuing, no trying to find car parking, no terrible weather. Plus many retailers offer discounts for online orders, which means you save money too!

Many people are worried about security and credit card fraud when buying online. Of course this is a worry, nobody wants to be the victim of credit card fraud. However, there are some steps you can take to keep your online shopping experience as safer transaction as possible.

When buying online, only use reputable retailers. This maybe a high street retailer who have an online shopping facilities or a large online store. Maybe a friend has recommended a particular website that they have purchased goods from in the past. Some online shops state how long they have been trading. If a store has been trading online for a number of years, and is well established, this is a good indicator of a reputable store.

When shopping online you inevitably end up at the check out. This is the point where the store will ask you for your name, postal address and credit or debit card details. This is the time when credit card fraud is a danger.

To protect yourself look for a padlock icon in the status bar at the bottom of the window on the actual check out page, where the website is asking you to submit your details. This padlock mean that this page of the website has a secure connection, so any information that you submit on this page will not be decipherable to anyone else, it will be encrypted. If there is not a padlock, it is not a secure connection despite what the actual web page content may say.

You can still submit your details, However, you do significantly increase the risk of becoming a victim of credit card fraud.

Our advice would be to contact the website and ask them to provide you with a secure payment page, or shop elsewhere.

However you do your Christmas shopping this year, Enjoy your experience and keep your card details safe.

S. Roberts writes for a website offering Christmas information, education and tips and advice to help your Christmas be the greatest ever. Plus correspond with Santa for FREE Blog61234
Allison Blog19579

Good Design Practices and Important Rules in Website Design

When it comes to your website, extra attention should be paid to every minute detail to make sure it performs optimally to serve its purpose. Here are seven important rules of thumb to observe to make sure your website performs well.

1) Do not use splash pages

Splash pages are the first pages you see when you arrive at a website. They normally have a very beautiful image with words like "welcome" or "click here to enter". In fact, they are just that -- pretty vases with no real purpose. Do not let your visitors have a reason to click on the "back" button! Give them the value of your site up front without the splash page.

2) Do not use excessive banner advertisements

Even the least net savvy people have trained themselves to ignore banner advertisements so you will be wasting valuable website real estate. Instead, provide more valueable content and weave relevant affiliate links into your content, and let your visitors feel that they want to buy instead of being pushed to buy.

3) Have a simple and clear navigation

You have to provide a simple and very straightforward navigation menu so that even a young child will know how to use it. Stay away from complicated Flash based menus or multi-tiered dropdown menus. If your visitors don't know how to navigate, they will leave your site.

4) Have a clear indication of where the user is

When visitors are deeply engrossed in browsing your site, you will want to make sure they know which part of the site they are in at that moment. That way, they will be able to browse relevant information or navigate to any section of the site easily. Don't confuse your visitors because confusion means "abandon ship"!

5) Avoid using audio on your site

If your visitor is going to stay a long time at your site, reading your content, you will want to make sure they're not annoyed by some audio looping on and on on your website. If you insist on adding audio, make sure they have some control over it -- volume or muting controls would work fine.

Your website is where your business resides it's like the headquarter of an offline company. Hence, it is important to practise good design principles to make sure your site reaches out to the maximum number of visitors and sells to as many people as possible.

Make sure you have clear directions on the navigation of your website. The navigation menu should be uncluttered and concise so that visitors know how to navigate around your website without confusion.

Reduce the number of images on your website. They make your site load very slowly and more often than not they are very unnecessary. If you think any image is essential on your site, make sure you optimize them using image editing programs so that they have a minimum file size.

Keep your text paragraphs at a reasonable length. If a paragraph is too long, you should split it into seperate paragraphs so that the text blocks will not be too big. This is important because a block of text that is too large will deter visitors from reading your content.

Make sure your website complies to web standards at and make sure they are cross-browser compatible. If your website looks great in Internet Explorer but breaks horribly in Firefox and Opera, you will lose out on a lot of prospective visitors.

Avoid using scripting languages on your site unless it is absolutely necessary. Use scripting languages to handle or manipulate data, not to create visual effects on your website. Heavy scripts will slow down the loading time of your site and even crash some browsers. Also, scripts are not supported across all browsers, so some visitors might miss important information because of that.

Use CSS to style your page content because they save alot of work by styling all elements on your website in one go.

Kanicen Nichathavan is the owner of Shoppers Journey, At Shoppers Journey, we provide quality Web Marketing & Web Design solutions for your needs. Be it dazzling websites and portals or customized software solutions, our team is trained and ready to fulfill your every need. Visit my site at http://www.shoppersjourney.comApril Blog69830
Brandi Blog85035

Glyconutritional Supplements

Glyco means Sugar in Greek. Many people think that sugar is bad for health. However, if you look closely, there are 2 types of sugars. One type of sugars is intracellular which can easily be found in vegetables and in fruits and provide our body with all the nutrition it needs. These types of sugars, which are known as complex carbohydrates, have been researched thoroughly for years together. However, only in recent times we have begun to discover their purpose in our body. The other type of sugars is extra cellular which is been long linked with human disease.

A large number of researchers and scientists believe that some carbohydrates signify the next cutting edge solution in our search for safe and non-toxic treatments for many degenerative conditions. Moreover, even as we have just begun to realize, the full possible uses and cures of these carbohydrates, the study which has been reported in just the last decade, has proved a new level of hope and optimism with the worlds top immunologists.

Healthy cellular bodies, which are made up of various parts working together in complicated synchronization, must have some internal communication among themselves to function harmoniously and correctly. This communication between cellular bodies, in its most basic structure, occurs at the cellular level.

So to maintain a fit and healthy body and mind, cells must communicate or talk with each other. To simplify, their language is one similar to touch, written in simple sugars on the cell surfaces. These simple sugars join with other molecules to become glycoforms. If they combine with proteins, they become glycoproteins and if they combine with lipids, they become glycolipds. So out of 200 monosaccharides (glyconutrients), which occur very naturally in plants, eight of those have been discovered to be parts or components in cell surface of glycoforms.

Similar to thousands of diverse keys projecting out from the cell surface, some will either unlock the necessary functions of the adjacent cell or may be not. If the right keys are present, the body functions very smoothly. If they are not present, the body does behave erratic. In some research, it states that these simple sugars do have a complex coding system which is superior to that of amino acids.

So these glyconutritionals provide the necessary cellular communication which is needed for a healthy body.

Only 2 of the 8 glyconutrients (monosaccharides) are found in modern diet. Our food intake has changed tremendously because of our appetite and demands for cheaper and quicker foods. Therefore we are not eating the healthy foods our body needs and which contain the necessary fuels for our cells to talk to each other in an effective and healthy manner. Whereas, our body has the ability to build these simple sugars, the exchange process is very complicated. During the exchange or conversion process, your cells are uncovered to hundreds and thousands of hits from free radicals floating every day. This requires energy, time and also participation from other micronutrients so that the conversion can be done smoothly. Many times viruses interfere with our bodys natural capacity to create these conversions easily.

Because your body has more that some trillion cells and it fully regenerates or manufactures all of its various cells in approximately one year, any slowdown or miscommunication can cause some major health troubles. With some millions cells regenerating every day, it is very easy to visualize what would happen if the cells did not regenerates properly. That is why glyconutritional supplements are so much important to our food diet.

Jen Lynn is a Glyconutrients Representative. Her clients range from actresses to pro athletes. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by visiting Blog88048
Aprilette Blog99104

Who Visits Saint Sophia in Istanbul?

Saint Sophia is finest and most famous example of BYZANTINE architecture in the world. It is located just in heart of old Istanbul, next to the Blue Mosque in the Sultan Ahmet Square (Sultanahmet Meydani) of Istanbul.

Four minarets have been added to St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia), after Ottomans captured Constantinople at 1453. Today Saint Sophia is neither a Church nor a Mosque but it is a museum.

Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) was built as a Constantinian Church by the emperor Justinian I, between A.D. 532 and 537 and in its ancient time, it represented the largest covered space in the world. Its architects were Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles.

It was built only in of five years. On May 558, the dome of the church collapsed due to a December 557 earthquake, and though a new dome was (or has been) quickly rebuilt.

HAGIA SOPHIA is a Greek phrase that means 'Holy Wisdom'. This ancient basilica also called SAINT SOPHIA. Turks call 'Ayasofya Mzesi' or in short 'AYASOFYA'.

After its construction ended, Hagia Sophia served as a Church for the first nine centuries and when Constantinople was taken by the Ottomans' in 1453, Sultan Mehmet II (FATIH SULTAN MEHMET) added 4 minarets, a fountain (sadirvan) and mausoleum (turbe). He converted it into a Mosque and it served as a Mosque for 5 centuries.

Ottoman additions to Hagia Sophia include the huge wooden shields emblazoned with gilded calligraphy of Koran verses. Also addition of niche (The Mihrab) indicated the direction of Mecca.

Then in 1935, during Turkish Republic years, the Mosque was secularized and made into a museum under MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATRKs (founder of the Turkish Republic), it became a national museum -as it is today-.

Hagia Sophia's building dimensions are 76mt (250ft) by 72mt (235ft) and this marbles place's inside appearance is one of great space, height and richness.

Construction contains marble-lined walls have many colors and designs. Beautiful Byzantine mosaics decorate some of the walls and vaults.

Over the center area is the great dome which raises 56mt (185ft) above the ground and is 33mt (107ft) in diameter (slightly larger than diameter of the U.S. Capitol).

Every year nearly 5 million tourist visit Istanbul and the first stop in their visit is Saint Sophia.

The reasons in visiting the Saint Sophia vary according to the visitors. Generally people visit Saint Sophia because it is a holy place for all Christians and other reasons are the historical and the architectural value of this marvelous building...

The Hagia Sophia (Saint Sophia) Museum opens to the public everyday, except Monday. Telephone: 90-212-522-0989

Murat Aydogdu is college and high school graduated in tourism management in Istanbul / Turkey. Generally writing articles for Blog50406
Berti Blog6630

Air Charter Services And It's Advantages

Though private air charter services are used extensively by business and luxury class, still the aviation through air charters is unfamiliar to many people around the globe. Air charter services are best suited to executive business travel and personal vacations, as private air charters eliminates many time-consuming formalities but still provide extra features that are to be found no where else.

It should be noticed that private air charters do not lack any facility from the conventional airlines, and air charter service providers make it dead-sure that the best facilities are offered to their customers, including, catering, food, ground facilities, and return services, etc. Let us have a detailed peep into the advantages that private air charters offer to us.

The very first advantage that almost anybody can notice in hiring the private air charters is the freedom of scheduling. Unlike conventional airlines, private air charters provide full freedom to choose the schedule of the flight. There is absolutely no limit, as most of air charter service providers have it open for seven days a week and for 24 hours a day. There are no chances of missing the flight, as it is you who have set the time of the flight, and you can alter it also, if you need to! Most importantly, there is no chance that a flight is delayed. Private air charters are singularly for your service, and they wait for your arrival before the take off!

Private air charters also provide better options for the choice of airport. This ultimately saves a lot of time in traveling through car and ground transportation. Most of the scheduled airports are crowded, but with the facility of air charter services, you can have your own preference for the airport.

Security and privacy are two other issues that are solved meticulously with air charter services. Luggage loss is a major problem in scheduled aviation, but with private air charters, you are free of such issues. If you are traveling with your office colleagues and want to discuss some plans, or want to practice for the seminar or a presentation, you have the luxury of utmost privacy and you can enjoy it to the fullest extent. If you are taking some time off from your busy life, and are traveling with your family members; traveling with private air charters would be the most stress free, enjoyable and relaxing way to travel!

No wonder that with so many options and facilities, air charter services are attracting the eyes of big organizations or corporate giants, but it still remains a quandary as why general public is not motivated by these facilities. Cost is the major factor, but those who know what they are paying for, understand that air charter services are worth their weight in gold!

Max Stephen is the author of this Private Jet Service article, and the webmaster of http://www.charter-private-jet.netBernita Blog95376
Arleyne Blog17891

First Romantic Evening

A guy proposed a girl and they decided to spend an evening with each other. Then their plans started which dress to wear, what will be the right place for the date, what to say each other, I will tell her this, what gift should I give him/her? These questions come in to mind and with more important question is how to make that date successful. A romantic evening with your partner spread sensation in your whole body. Preparation has to finish before that evening.

1. Location

Select a location nearby your well-known place. If you have any problem, then you can easily get help, as you know that place little bit. If you can arrange a garden restaurant and a table for two at the corner place where no one can easily spot you and disturb you.

2. Great Welcome

Welcome your partner with Bunch of flowers; Flowers have power to bring smile on face. If you really love youre your partner then take some red roses and arrange in sweet as you think she/he will like them. Welcome your partner with sweet smile and roses in your hands. See what happened. Just look into mirror. My guess is right; there is a sweet smile on your face.

3. Candle light

If possible light up some candles and see in our partners eyes. Talk on You will find the whole world there.

4. Soft Music

If you can arrange for a soft music in your background then its awesome. Play Soft music and then if possible ask your partner for dance. If you cant arrange then now everyone has mobile, play soft music on mobile.

5. Delicious food

Order a food that your partner likes to eat, a chilled bottle of wine please if you know anything about that place dont start your conversation with that topic.

6. Privacy

Maintain privacy, means avoid friend, switch off mobile phones, etc. Concentrate on your partners eyes and hear him/her voice only. This is time for just the two of you. No company, no distractions.

First Romantic evening is dream of everyones life with different ideas and tries to implement your ideas into reality.

Marina John is freelance author who exchange ideas, review in some specific areas as Dating, Romance, Friendship. She has been writing articles for . For details contact marina at Arlen Blog65841
Beth Blog35141

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